It began with a dream

Developing the Heritage Centre & Archives

Laureen Dixon rsc, Congregational Leader

It began with a dream!

In 1838, we were the first women religious to come to Australia, and in 2013, we began looking towards how we might celebrate 175 years since our arrival.

The dream grew with many ideas and conversations followed by consultations across the Congregation. A decision was then made that we would convert an existing convent at Potts Point into a heritage centre and archives. The Heritage Centre, home to a public exhibition, would be on the ground floor for ease of access and the Archives would be on the first floor.

Our archives were already extensive but needed to be re-housed and we realised that through the Heritage Centre we could share some of the significant chapters of our story of living and ministering within the Australian Church.

Potts Point holds a very special place in our Sisters of Charity hearts being the site of the first St Vincent’s hospital established in 1857 and St Vincent’s Day School in 1858.

How to bring the dream to reality?

In 2015, two committees were established: a Heritage Centre Committee which was comprised of experts in the building field and secondly a Sisters Committee which was charged with the responsibility of ensuring that the objects and artefacts were of suitable historical interest. A curator was employed to oversee and direct this work. Her work took her to many sites where we had previously ministered and her search reached into the archives and historical records of those places affording her more insight and greater connection with our story. It was also determined that this was not merely a museum but rather a place of pilgrimage and reflection and therefore our aim was that no-one should leave without having a transformation of the heart. To achieve this, multi-media, interactive displays and reflective spaces were set up alongside the showcases of artefacts.

As the building progressed, the Congregation was given regular updates on the project. And we were all growing in excitement as the date in June 2019 for the opening was approaching.

The transformation of the building from our convent home to our story home was wonderful. It is a place of connection and insight, of wonder and thanksgiving. Definitely the “work of many hands”!

Before COVID closures there was a consistent stream of visitors and we look forward to when people can once again be welcomed into this space.

Let me finish with a quote from our Foundress, Mary Aikenhead: 

Let us move forward in the spirit of faith which inspires confidence and courage.


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